From September 2022, Morchard Bishop Toddler Group, Tree Tots will be relocating to the Morchard Bishop Pre-School building. This will take place from 9:30am to 10:30am on Thursday mornings. The Pre-School will be open to all babies, toddlers and their grown-ups to come and join some themed activity sessions ran by a qualified Early Years Teacher. The change of venue will mean that children will become familiar with Pre-School staff as well as the setting environment which will aid with their integration into Pre-School when they start.
Each session will begin with a story-based theme for everyone to enjoy together, leading onto a mix of construction, creative and sensory activities for you and your child to play and enjoy together, while learning new skills and building new friendships. To conclude these sessions, we will enjoy a snack and sing along together.
One of the aims of bringing the Toddler Group into Pre-School is to promote our connections with the community and provide a fun safe environment for the children to enjoy. This will make the children feel more settled when coming in to Pre-School in the future. Initially the Toddler Group will last an hour while the Pre-School children are enriching their own learning in the main school hall. This will allow them to have access to the space and equipment which will help target their learning to reach their baseline assessment upon entry to EYFS during the toddler session time.
These sessions will be monitored over the first term and reviewed and extended if numbers increase. We look forward to welcoming you to our Toddler Sessions at Morchard Bishop Pre-School.
For more information please contact the Pre-School on 01363 877328.